Week 11: 3D Printing and Digital Public History

  • How can digital historians break free from the discipline’s singular attention to textual sources? Is this an important priority?
  • What can we learn from 3d printing historical objects?
  • What are the limits of the current technology?
  • How can digital methods enhance public history?
  • Is fake history a useful tool for public history?
  • How can historians confront fake history online:



Weeks 9: Humanities Programming and Distant Reading – March 12


Jean-Baptiste Michel et al., “Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books,” Science 331, no. 6014 (January 14, 2011): 176–82.
Ted Underwood, “Seven ways humanists are using computers to understand text,” The Stone and the Shell: Using Large digital libraries to advance literary history, https://tedunderwood.com/2015/06/04/seven-ways-humanists-are-using-computers-to-understand-text/
Mining the Dispatch: http://dsl.richmond.edu/dispatch
Google N-Gram: http://books.google.com/ngrams
New York Times Chronicle http://chronicle.nytlabs.com/


The Programming Historian, available online, http://programminghistorian.org. Do the Introduction to Python lessons.

  1. Python Introduction and Installation
    1. We will use the Python IDLE (Python GUI) instead of the text editor suggested by the lessons, which is already installed on the lab computers. So we will skip the installation lesson.
    2. Search and open Python IDLE
    3. It should open the Python 2.7 Shell
    4. Try this: >>>print ‘hello world’
      1. Hit enter
    5. Click “File” and “Open New File”
    6. You are ready for the next lesson.
  2. Understanding Web Pages and HTML
  3. Working with Text Files in Python
  4. Code Reuse and Modularity in Python
  5. Downloading Web Pages with Python
  6. Manipulating Strings in Python
  7. From HTML to List of Words (part 1)
  8. From HTML to List of Words (part 2)
  9. Normalizing Textual Data with Python
  10. Counting Word Frequencies with Python
  11. Creating and Viewing HTML Files with Python
  12. Output Data as an HTML File with Python
  13. Keywords in Context (Using n-grams) with Python
  14. Output Keywords in Context in an HTML File with Python

Week 8: Finding Patterns in an HGIS Database – March 5 with Prof. Cheryl Troupe


  • Bonnell, Jennifer, and Marcel Fortin, eds. Historical GIS Research in Canada. 1 edition. University of Calgary Press, 2014. Introduction and Chapter 1. (the book is Open Access), http://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552387085

Lab: Geospatial Historian ArcGIS lessons and a quick introduction to ArcGIS Online and StoryMaps.

Homework: Blog post on your experiences with HGIS due by Monday at 5pm. Include at least one image of a map you created using ArcGIS, QGIS or Google Earth.